A couple of years ago I decided to start walking more. Then it turned into going for longer walks. Then it turned into buying real big girl hiking boots. THEN I heard that our scouting group's adventure to the West Coast Trail on British Columbia's beautiful coast needed another adult to accompany them. I gave it some thought. Yep, I'm gonna do it.
I may end up being the weak link in the group but unless something horrible happens like I break a body part, I'm doing it. It's been months of preparation, mentally and physically. I've had several opportunities to back out. I've heard several horror stories about the 75 kilometre trail but more often than not, I've heard wonderful stories. More and more negative thoughts swirl around in my head but all I keep thinking about is stepping out of my box.
I don't like being in my box all the time anymore. My box is comfy and warm. My box has a flush toilet and running water. My box is cool when it's hot outside and warm when it's cold out. My box also has plenty of food and beautiful clothing. I'm taking my chances and stepping out and allowing the sun to shine on my face and let the breeze flow through my hair.
(The hair that's going to be dirtier than I've ever seen it in my life!)
I've worked hard to build my nice box. I appreciate how pleasantly snug and warm I've built it but I need to open the door more often.
So next month, I'll be hauling 30+ pounds of water, food, clothing, sleeping accommodations and other necessities, on my back and walking across beautiful beaches, rickety ladders, thrilling cable cars and slimy trails...for...a...week.
I can't wait!