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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Book Review "Laughter Growing"

I haven't read a page-turner for long time. And then a childhood chum of mine posted this book on Instagram that her mother recently wrote. 

What have we here?! I LOVE stories like these!...particularly those surrounding the Mennonite culture.

This is such an interesting read! I couldn't wait to get my grimy hands on it. (Unfortunately I had other books on the go and didn't start reading it for another month!...what's wrong with me?!)

Being of Mennonite descent myself, I have some insight on the life of the subject of this book. I grew up in the southern Manitoba area where I knew many Mennonites and heard stories from those who came from Mexico. 

It follows the life of a man who was born in Mexico and lived in a Mennonite Village with his family. Eventually the family came to Canada but most of the story takes place before the trek north from when young Isaac Penner was about 5 years old up until about the time he was a pre-teen. 

No matter how hard of a life the family had, Isaac found the humour and the excitement in whatever was going on around him. 

If you like biographies, this is one you will enjoy. 

I bought mine in Kindle format as the "cheap Mennonite" in me decided that it was the best choice but it's available in paperback and hardcover. I love reading paper books or e-books...depends on my mood I guess!

Thanks to Renita for advertising her mom's book on Instagram!

Laughter Growing: a Mennonite-Mexican boyhood

by Esther Penner

is available on in hardcover, paperback and Kindle format.