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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dieting, Not A Piece Of Cake

Something really strange happened to me earlier this year. I can't explain how it happened or why it happened but no amount of excuses will justify the fact that it happened to me. You see, I gained 25 pounds within a rather short period of time. And, no, I'm not pregnant. It doesn't matter how many times I sweet-talk my bathroom scale, it will not back me up.

I love food alot. I realize I don't have to eat every meal like it's my last supper. It's too bad that I have many weaknesses. Oh. My. Goodness.....even the wine I have consumed in the past year.....I could've opened my own little liquor store. I know for certain that wine is NOT good for the waistline either.

I'll admit, I'm getting older and my metabolism is slowing down (and I need to get my ass to a gym) but my walks in the early hours just are not cutting it anymore.

I don't want to live out my days where my husband and I point at each other's bellies and laugh. Or listen to our bodies make noises when bending over with tight jeans that should already.

I've gained and lost weight before and what used to work for me is getting myself in the mindset that I don't need to eat until I pop a button. That concept was easier when I was younger though. I know I'll never look as thin as I did in my 20's and that's okay because I'm not so sure my kids would recognize me.

As I'm fretting about my weight, I often think about those Dove ads where they want women to love themselves for whom they are. The ads show women of all ages, colors and body types and sizes. I absolutely love those ads because they (presumably) use "real" women, not actors. These ads make me think differently. The commercials are obviously designed to make you want to buy their products but I'm past that....I'll buy what I want to use but I like the idea behind the promotion.
This video brings me to tears every time I watch it. What makes us think we're not worthy of going through the "beautiful" door. C'mon! We must watch too many celebrities on TV and flip through too many magazines with photo-shopped models adorning the pages because many people are confused about the definition of beautiful. Including me sometimes.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the amount of chocolate and other treats I plan on consuming during the Christmas, no, no...I will make an honest effort to stop myself from stuffing my face like a hamster and get some much-needed exercise.

I smell a New Year's resolution coming on!

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