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Thursday, January 5, 2023

I'm Feeling Quilty

Recently I caught the flu and recovering from it hasn't been fun. Mostly I feel sluggish and I don't like it. I need something to perk me up.

I'm going to start up quilting again. I get lots of thinking done when I have quilting projects on the go. Not sure why that is. And when I get a lot of thinking done I start to feel better and come up with new ideas and get creativity flowing. 

It's a place where I solve problems, big and small. 

On that thought, I haven't quite figured out what I will be doing with these quilts as I've got plenty kicking around the house right now. I'll probably give them away as gifts. I know some of my real estate and housekeeping clients would appreciate them. They make nice "homey" gifts. 


Above is the pattern I'm going to attempt next. It's an Amy Ellis pattern and I think I will be sewing it in black, pink and white. But we'll see what happens once I get to the fabric store.

The next couple are also Amy Ellis from a few years ago and they were so much fun to piece together. I went with suggested colours with these. The creators seem to like blue and I do too.

I was still feeling out the quilting habit at that time. I mean hobby. It can turn into an addiction if one is not careful.


It's one of those things that I normally don't work on for hours and hours at a time anyway, unless something is bothering me. I go to my quilt corner for a break or if I'm waiting for something....kinda like picking up a book whenever I have a few minutes to spare in between taking care of business. 

If someone knows a senior or anyone that would appreciate a homemade blankie, I would consider handing one of mine over to them. I just don't want to be giving it away for the sake of giving it away. Quilts are a lot of work and I want to see my quilts being used and loved. 

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