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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Turkey Hunting

I was not prepared for Thanksgiving weekend this year and I have no excuses. I figured I could get what I needed for Thanksgiving dinner the night before. What was I thinking? No, really.....I'm old enough to know that you don't run out and purchase what you need last minute at this time of year.

Since we were doing some business in another area of the city than where we live, we decided to pick up a few Thanksgiving dinner items at our favorite stores before we headed home on Saturday night. We checked several grocery stores and kept meeting up with the same pathetic, unprepared turkey hunters in every store we went into. We were feeling defeated after checking our fourth grocery store. After hopping back into the vehicle for the fifth time, my husband looked me square in the eye and said "Ham it is then?" 

On the way home that night, we decided to check the store nearest our home. With a heavy heart and thinking we would probably be picking up a ham instead, hallelujah, we found plenty of turkeys. Sigh.


Fortunately (and thankfully), it all worked out and our family got together Sunday at noon with a cooked turkey and all the fixin's.

We played several rounds of crokinole (knips braat or knips dasch for my fellow low-german comrades), ate more, watched a movie, ate some more, played more games and ate more. (Cheesecake pumpkin pie is REALLY good.)

Of course there's many things we are thankful for but I realized, once again, how easily we lost sight of why we were getting together and celebrating this Thanksgiving weekend. It's embarrassing how we take advantage of everything at our fingertips and we would have had just as good a time if we would have had ham instead of turkey. 

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