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Monday, October 3, 2016

The Oldest Munchkin

Our oldest child moved out on his own about a year ago. He knew and we knew when it was time for him to get out of the house. Brody's a great guy and didn't cause us too much grief while he was at home but it came to a head the last few months before he moved. I felt awful the day he and his friend started carrying all his belongings out to the truck. I had to keep myself in check because I kept thinking "Have I failed with Brody?". No! I didn't fail...if he was smart and brave enough to decide to live on his own, then there was no reason why he shouldn't be moving on. Why was I feeling bad? He needed his own space and besides, he wasn't living that far from us.
Brody in his room at our old house.
One of those sticky notes on his computer says "Get a Job"
Brody went to the college the year after he graduated from high school. He took one year of the Computer Technician Program and decided that wasn't for him. Now he's back at the college, upgrading so he can get into an engineering course at the University. He's paying for this himself this time and it's hard to watch my boy struggle but I know it's for the best. Nowadays he appreciates it when we offer to buy tires for his car for his birthday.

I know Brody's a busy man now, trying to build a life for himself and I try to connect with him every week or so without nagging. I invite him over for supper every now and then and on occasion he'll just pop in to talk for a few minutes.

I wish him all the luck in the world.....although it'll be his hard work and dedication that will determine whether he gets through the tough stuff. It's hard to keep your head up when all the stress in the world seems to be sitting on your shoulders but I know he can do it. He's stubborn. 


  1. Everything you said is so true! Our job as a parent is to get them ready to move out. You done good!

    1. That means alot coming from an experienced mum like you.....having kick out....I mean having two children fly from the nest. Haha! But honestly, thanks Diana. I think situations like this are harder on mum than their child.
